Words cannot express how glad I am tomorrow is a "normal" day for everyone. Sort of, anyway--Bob will be at db's after school til 8pm, which isn't normal for a Monday (but necessary in light of last Wednesday's storm). The point is, my house will be empty except for dog and cats from roughly 8:00am until 5:15pm. As it should be. Hopefully this return to the norm will put everyone in a better mood. As it is, we've all been pretty on edge today--no major drama, but you can tell there's that general feeling in the air like we could all of us snap at any given moment because we're sick of looking at the family room and the same t.v. shows and each other.
I did get the pictures hung in my bedroom today. I am glad for that. They're not positioned exactly the way I wanted, but they're up, and that's 100% better.
Laundry is getting done...bags are packed and ready...lunches and breakfasts are prepared...emails have been sent to the school...notes have been made on to-do lists...now it's just a matter of getting back to the grind.
I find I get more worked up lately over preparedness than anything else. It's a little ridiculous, because no matter how prepared I am, it never feels like enough.
Cauliflower is roasting in the oven. It smells fantastic. I hope it actually is.
I made pumpkin pancakes again this morning. Here's the best of the batch:

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