Sunday, February 14, 2010


The shareholder in charge of my department at work is very into "goals." I don't know if he went to some Tony Robbins seminar at some point or what, but every time you talk to him, he asks you what your goals are.

Anyone who's ever held a corporate job has had to endure some torturous seminar or meeting or training wherein you learned how to set, work toward, and achieve goals. This is old school for an old broad like yours truly. So, that said, here are my goals:

1. Lose 12 pounds by mid-May (we'll call this "Operation 115 By 5/15")
2. Get my hobby website live and operational and at least break even on my costs
3. Get a grip on my seasonal depression.

Now, we take each goal and break it down into smaller, more easily attainable goals:

1. Lose 12 pounds by mid-May (Operation 115 By 5/15)
  1. Limit daily calorie intake to 1300 calories
  2. Stick to my regular gym schedule - MFSu Cardio 40 minutes, TThSa Cardio 20 minutes, weights 30 minutes
  3. Take my vitamins daily
2. Get hobby website up and running
  1. make some shit and get it ready to post
  2. have Ben work out the technical kinks
  3. "go live"
3. Get a grip on the SAD
  1. eat better, exercise more, and take vitamins
  2. remember to take Tylenol PM every night so I sleep
There it is. I could go into further detail than that even, but part of all those is "quit spending so much time dicking around online." So hi ho, hi ho, I'm off to do some

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