Ben took the yunguns to his parents' house, presumably so I could get started on the pile'o'shit I need to get done today. We've been making some changes to
the website and traffic is picking up--meaning I need to get off my ass and sew, dammit. I sent out my first order yesterday. It was awesome. Helped that I was really pleased with the end result, too.
Anyway--in addition to the ton of sewing I need to get started on, my mission (should I choose to accept it) also includes:
- laundry (does it ever end?)
- litter box (ditto)
- canceling one of the credit cards I just paid off
- going to the gym
- picking up mushrooms at the grocery store next door to the gym.
Canceling the credit card was fun--but it prompted me to pull my "free credit report" and take a look. I started with TransUnion and they were so bloody slow and so depressing were the multiple collection accounts (all medical bills, and one mystery charge I'm still not sure what it is) that I aborted that mission. I think it's probably best to continue with my current plan of laying low, keeping my head down, paying stuff off or down as best we can, and slowly but surely digging ourselves out of the mud. Of course this would be infinitely easier if someone would start paying child support on a regular basis and/or someone else would get that kickass job offer he's been waiting for--but of course the first is a pipe dream and the second, well, suffice to say I don't get my hopes up in terms of the job market anymore. It seems no one is interested in paying people a decent living wage anymore and the only people doing well are the ones who picked the "right" career path years ago. But I digress...
Anyway, now that I've moved away from financial doom and gloom I can't seem to get motivated to move away from the computer. The sewing machine is right next to it, but I really should get a load of laundry moved around before I settle in. Plus, I'm freezing, so I need to go upstairs and turn the heat up. Not sure when I'll get to the gym, but I will. I'm down at least 4 pounds since I got back in gear 2 weeks ago, and last night I set a new personal best--30 minutes on the Escalator to Hell and I didn't die! Yaaaaay! Spinach salads for everyone!
Can't wait til it's warm enough to ride my bike to the gym. I miss my bike so much, I almost rode it last night but I dare not ride around the more heavily trafficked areas of Gladstone in the dark for fear of being flattened like a squirrel.
Okay--off to work...
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